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Drew Smith

Drew is a design research, strategy and innovation consultant who helps clients transform their own capabilities by becoming better connected to the world around them.

He holds an MA in Automotive Design from Coventry University, and a BDes in Industrial Design from University of Technology, Sydney.

Along with his friend Joe Simpson, he publishes Looking Out, a newsletter and podcast, and he’s also a Special Correspondent for Mark Pesce’s podcast, The Next Billion Seconds.

He can be found online at and, and on Twitter as @drewpasmith. His LinkedIn profile is here.
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Joe Simpson

Joe Simpson is a design strategist with over 10 years experience working in both the automotive and technology sectors. 

His work looks beyond just the vehicle as a product, and at how the future eco-system of cars and mobility as a service will evolve. 

He has extensive experience working on future design and technology strategies with a number of leading car brands and have an in-depth understanding of automotive design, consumer trends, policy and regulations concerning future vehicle usage.